
INTRODUCTION: The intersectoral health is defined as an action in which the health sector and other relevant sectors collaborate to achieve a common goal, through close coordination of the contributions of other sectors. With this perspective, the program Mastology of the Hospital das Clinicas of Universidade Federal de Goias (Federal University of Goias) - UFG, reference service to users of the Unified Health System (Sistema Unico de Saude), together with the Association of Patients with Breast Cancer (Associacao dos Portadores de Cancer de Mama) - APCAM, statewide and nonprofit, develop educational and cultural activities with a monthly average of 25 members, to improve the quality of life. Given the impact of diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer in the life of such patients, in both emotional and social, interfering considerably to low self-esteem, was proposed an intersectoral activity to work this issue with the associated. This report aims to describe an intersectoral action to promote self-esteem of women with breast cancer of APCAM. REPORT: in May 2012 was made an intersectoral action to promote self-esteem for participants APCAM, College of Nursing (Faculdade de Enfermagem) UFG, with the support and partnership of private enterprise, seeing promote a transformation in the visual and emotional aspects of the associated APCAM to raise self-esteem. Participated the event “self esteem” 75 women. They were received by the team, and held the registration for participation and registration of the perception of self-esteem. All have a bag with Kit Self-Esteem. To open the event was organized a lecture on “self esteem” delivered by a carrier of breast cancer, and guaranteed the expression of participants throughout the exhibition theme. Next, to promote relaxation and integration among the participants were offered a cocktail party and held a session of beauty and hairdressing and makeup and photo session group and individual, with permission to record the image. The event was concluded with the holding of a parade of all participants. Overall, it was expressed by participants that the event promoted the importance of identification of self-care with body image to improve self-esteem, as well as the importance of social interaction to promote relaxation and joy. The following statements show that perception, “Wow! I was down [... ] when I got ready I felt a person, nor does it seem that I am “(VN, 40 years), “ I can not even see me naked in the mirror, but now I feel pretty up “(NP, 39 years ) “I came here discouraged, sad with pain, but now I m very happy” (BR, 62 years), “When I was well until now much better [... ] a television artist” (MHB, 59 years). DISCUSSION: Intersectoral action demonstrated collaborate with the evaluative aspect of self- esteem of women with breast cancer, as evidenced by the testimonies of the participants.

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