
The main result is a common generalization of results on lower bounds for the chromatic number of r r -uniform hypergraphs and some of the major theorems in Tverberg-type theory, which is concerned with the intersection pattern of faces in a simplicial complex when continuously mapped to Euclidean space. As an application we get a simple proof of a generalization of a result of Kriz for certain parameters. This specializes to a short and simple proof of Kneser’s conjecture. Moreover, combining this result with recent work of Mabillard and Wagner we show that the existence of certain equivariant maps yields lower bounds for chromatic numbers. We obtain an essentially elementary proof of the result of Schrijver on the chromatic number of stable Kneser graphs. In fact, we show that every neighborly even-dimensional polytope yields a small induced subgraph of the Kneser graph of the same chromatic number. We furthermore use this geometric viewpoint to give tight lower bounds for the chromatic number of certain small subhypergraphs of Kneser hypergraphs.

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