
Abstract Bogomolov and Tschinkel [‘Algebraic varieties over small fields’, Diophantine Geometry, U. Zannier (ed.), CRM Series, 4 (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Pisa, 2007), 73–91] proved that, given two complex elliptic curves $E_1$ and $E_2$ along with even degree- $2$ maps $\pi _j\colon E_j\to \mathbb {P}^1$ having different branch loci, the intersection of the image of the torsion points of $E_1$ and $E_2$ under their respective $\pi _j$ is finite. They conjectured (also in works with Fu) that the cardinality of this intersection is uniformly bounded independently of the elliptic curves. The recent proof of the uniform Manin–Mumford conjecture implies a full solution of the Bogomolov–Fu–Tschinkel conjecture. In this paper, we prove a generalisation of the Bogomolov–Fu–Tschinkel conjecture whereby, instead of even degree- $2$ maps, one can use any rational functions of bounded degree on the elliptic curves as long as they have different branch loci. Our approach combines Nevanlinna theory with the uniform Manin–Mumford conjecture. With similar techniques, we also prove a result on lower bounds for ranks of elliptic curves over number fields.

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