
The article seeks to examine the role of ‘Original Village Cooking’, a YouTube channel, in upholding the diversity of particularly those Scheduled Tribe people whom they represent and their culture by highlighting the selective lifestyle of those people as cultural diversity. Moreover, this study examines the role of YouTube in empowering the marginalised section of India, and it looks particularly at the living conditions of tribal people. This article deploys McKenzie Wark’s (2021) concept of the vectoralist class and how these new emerging classes are changing the already established structures within ruling class dynamics. The article adopts the textual analysis method (that is, it reads YouTube videos as texts) as well as uses in-depth interviews. In the current article, tribal people’s depiction on YouTube can be divided into two broad sections: (a) Schedule Tribes of India: the question of diversity and inclusion on YouTube; and (b) digital labour and tribal empowerment: YouTube as a source of livelihood.

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