
The article deals with the specifics of pagan and Christian beliefs in the worldview of Ukrainians of the 17–18 centuries. The term “interreligious dualism” has been proposed to refer to the phenomenon of synthesis of religious beliefs. The research is based on the analysis of samples of the spiritual culture of early modern Ukraine. The purpose is to outline the specifics of interreligious dualism in the worldview of Ukrainians of the 17th–18th centuries. The research has been conducted with the use of methods of analysis (concrete samples of combinations of Christian and pagan beliefs) and generalization (identification of main tendencies in the functioning of interreligious dualism). The phenomenon of interreligious dualism lies precisely in the parallel and synthetic existence of Christian and archaic points of view. Enlightened progressive clergy attempted to overcome magical mysticism, emphasizing the superstitious nature and the falsehood of man’s magical powers. From the standpoint of Christianity, the magical power of man and his attempts to manifest it condemned as sinful communications with the devil. And from a secular standpoint, magical abilities were perceived as the knowledge and skills of individual members of the community who can influence nature, the elements, the harvest, health, relationships. The average Ukrainians focused on preserving and using traditional pre-Christian beliefs in everyday life. Resistance was not caused by Christian ideas themselves, but by strict church formality and rituality. The phenomenon of interreligious dualism in the 17th and 18th centuries looks like the search for a non-conflictual combination and compromise between the archaic and the Christian views.


  • The article deals with the specifics of pagan and Christian beliefs in the worldview of Ukrainians of the 17–18 centuries

  • The purpose is outlining the specifics of interreligious dualism in the worldview of Ukrainians of the 17th–18th centuries

  • The research has been conducted with the use of methods of analysis and generalization

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У статті розглядаються особливості поєднання язичницьких і християнських вірувань у світогляді українців 17–18 століть. Метою дослідження є окреслення специфіки міжрелігійного дуалізму у світогляді українців 17-18 століть. Дослідження проведене із застосуванням методів аналізу (конкретних зразків поєднання християнських і язичницьких вірувань) та узагальнення (виявлення основних тенденцій у функціонуванні міжрелігійного дуалізму). Міжрелігійний дуалізм у світогляді українців 17–18 століть являє собою поєднання обох видів містицизму.

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