
T-helper cytokines interferon gamma (IFNɣ), interleukin 17 (IL-17) and IL-10 impact systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) directly and indirectly via modulation of autoAb production. We determined the separate and combined effects on clinical manifestations of SLE (N = 62). IFNɣ, IL-17 but not IL-10 were significantly elevated in patients with SLE. IFNɣ positively correlated with anti-DNA and anti-SSA. IL-17 positively correlated with anti-SSA and was significantly higher in patients with discoid rash and class V LN. IL-10 did not correlate with circulating autoantibodies but was significantly elevated in patients with LN. Patients with LN had elevated plasma levels of anti-DNA and anti-Sm/ribonuclear protein (RNP). Anti-Sm/RNP levels were decreased in patients with acute mucocutaneous manifestations, including photosensitivity and/or malar rash. The study provides critical insights into pathological mechanisms of LN, which could help guide future diagnoses and therapies.

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