
The present study was correctional in nature and based on quantitative research approach. It was designed to determine Interrelation of Multiple Intelligences and their correlation with linguistic intelligence as perceived by college students. The population of the study was comprised of all the students of intermediate level studying in Islamabad Model Colleges. The simple random sampling technique was employed to select a representative sample for the study. The sample consisted of 1000 students, Questionnaire was developed on the basis of Howard Gardner's Multiple intelligences Model. The validity of the questionnaire was ensured through expert opinions, whereas, its‘ reliability was measured through pilot testing on 100 students. Researcher used SPSS advanced version to analyze the quantitative data. Mean, Standard Deviation, and Pearson Coefficient Correlation were used to analyze the data. The results of the study showed that moderate inter-correlation exists between verbal/linguistic and logical/mathematical intelligences and. It was suggested that teachers may use all the Multiple intelligences during the teaching-learning process to promote their development. This study provides important information regarding multiple intelligences of the students and adds a composite scale of multiple intelligences to the existing literature.

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