
When structures are loaded in catastrophic mode of operation, localization of irreversible strains occurs in regions of stress concentration. This is caused by the geometry of a structure or by the presence of fetaures (dints, holes, cracks, inclusions with mechanical characteristics different from properties of original material). If loading is in progressing, repeated loads cause gradual degradation of the material in regions of the localization of inelastic strain. As a result, this leads to generation and extension of cracks and to loss of a load capacity of the structure. Study of regularities of material degradation in regions of strain localization will permit one to appreciate possible structure resources in a catastrophic situation or consequence of failure, which affects subsequent behaviour of a structure in a common regime. The distinctive features of fracture surface microrelief of metallic components in fatigue are fatigue striations oriented normally to the crack extension direction. It is appropriate to relate formation of fatigue striations to stepwise crack tip advance, and to record residual deflection of a beam under three-point bending when the loading corresponds to the lowcycle fatigue. A current striation may be formed after several loading cycles due to arrest of a fatigue crack after each advance of its tip in the LairdSmith model (Laird & Smith, 1962), the material being embrittled in a pre-fracture zone at each loading type. Damage accumulation in the pre-fracture zone is associated with accumulation of inelastic strains in this zone. The aim of the present work was to study damage accumulation in the regions of inelastic strains near the notch tip having a finite width. Two cases are considered: i) symmetric three-point bending of a beam (the edge notch is made on the underside of a specimen in the transverse symmetry plane, damage accumulation is estimeted by the increment of a residual deflection); ii) tension of a plain specimen with a narrow edge notch (direct viewing of fatigue crack propogation was performed using digitized microscope with resolution of about 22500 pxel/mm2). Mechanisms of deformation, damage accumulation and failure of material under fatigue conditions have been proposed. In the first case, the choice of geometry of a specimen and the loading type are governed by the following considerations.

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