
s / Can J Diabetes 38 (2014) S29eS74 S34 Results: 48.8% of 258 participants had not done the OGTT. The following reasons were cited why the OGTT was not done: 50%d busy and forgot, 30%dlost requisition, 10%ddid lab fasting blood sugar fromPrimary Health Care Provided (PHCP), 4%dmonitored at home, 4%ddidn’t know to repeat test, 1%dtold it didn’t need to be repeated by PHCP, 1%dafraid to have diabetes. Conclusions: 50% of participants identified barriers for doing the 75 g OGTT postpartum leading to reviewing our current GDM education program. Future Plan: 1. Include PHCP as recipient of progress notes from ADEC and educate re postpartum screening. 2. Providewomenwithwrittenmaterial regarding significance of postpartum screening.

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