
The article examines strategies used for discursive construction of significant life events on the examples of women experienced divorce. Using the author's approach to the discursive analysis of autobiographical texts, we highlighted the specific features of event interpretation by such women. As a result of our study, we identified five main interpretive strategies used by these women for discursive construction of their experience: “dramatic”, “demonstrative”, “pragmatic”, “accusative” and “analytical”, which were examined from the following aspects: psycholinguistic (a narrator’s focus, communicative tonality of their texts), emotional (emotional load, a polarity of emotions), meaningful (area of meanings, meaningful and factual information), reflexive (meanings, senses, conclusions, ways of interpretation, attitudes), self-designing (the way of experience organization), intentional (a basic line of self-presentation, purposes of communication), regulatory (constructed links between the past and the future, planning of the future), motivational-value (a role and significance of marital relations in a woman's life). We demonstrated that these interpretive strategies used for discursive construction of examined women’s experience had clear specificity, due to the used methods objectifying textually their experience in divorce, discursive strategies and individual characteristics of meaning generation. According to our previous results, the “analytical” strategy is a more productive trend for interpretations of divorce. Thus, as for motivation and values, women preferring this strategy focuses on the values of the classical family due to highly structured life experience and its conversion into a narrate; as for regulation, they use a constructive spatial-temporal orientation, positive emotional background, an unbiased attitude to the Other, moderate involvement in the event and an optimistic perspective. If these factors are reduced, as it is characteristics for intermediate interpretive strategies, the integrity of self-narrative texts is breached, the semantic core is ruptured, factual information predominate over reflective, which generally leads to superficial destructive conclusions and negative prospects as for marriage. Keywords: experience, personal experience, discourse, discursive construction of experience, interpretive strategies, discursive text analysis.

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