
Programska razlicnost evropskih folklornih skupin je deloma povezana z razlicnostjo plesnega in drugega izrocila, a bolj kot razlicnost izrocil nanjo vplivajo selekcije pricevanj o plesnem izrocilu in njegovo folkloriziranje. Folklorna dejavnost se namrec uresnicuje s poudarjanjem drugacnosti nasega izrocila od izrocila drugih, in sicer že v nacionalnih mejah, ko so nekatere prvine plesnega izrocila dolocenega obmocja poudarjene in druge zapostavljene. Se bolj pa se to kaže, ce primerjamo dojemanje in interpretiranje izrocila na mednarodni ravni. Glede nacinov folkloriziranja izrocila obstajajo nadnacionalna kulturna obmocja s posebnostmi, ki vodijo k podobnosti programov folklornih skupin med njimi, in razlicnosti, ce se primerjajo s skupinami zunaj njih. The variety among programmes of the European folk dance groups is partly linked to the diversity of dance and other traditions, but is due more to the selection of testimonies on dance tradition and their folklorization. Folk dance activity is namely actualized in emphasizing the distinctiveness of Our tradition from the tradition of Others. This is not only the case within national borders, where certain elements of the dance tradition of a certain area have been exposed and the others neglected, but even more so when we compare the perception and interpretation of traditions on an international level. Concerning the transformation of traditions into folk traditions, there exist transnational cultural areas with their own features that account for the resemblances among the programmes of the folk dance groups within the areas as well as the differences when comparing dances from different areas.

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