
ABSTRACT Translators and interpreters leave their ‘linguistic fingerprint’ on the translated text. This distinctive way of formulating discourse is especially visible in interpreting, in which the target text is free from revision and editorial intervention. This study aims to account for idiosyncratic differences in explicitation patterns of simultaneous interpreting trainees by investigating the correlation between one of the indicators of interpreting style – explicitating frequency styles – and retrospective styles. We seek to establish whether these two forms of linguistic behaviour share some common traits characteristic for a given interpreter. The retrospective styles are operationalised adopting the parameters of verbosity, relevance, and informativeness of the reports. These parameters are compared against the explicitating frequency styles: abundant, medium, and lean. The results reveal a significant correlation between the density of explicitation pattern and the verbosity of the participants measured in words per comment. Interpreters who perform frequent explicitations tend to provide extensive retrospective verbalisations, whereas those with patterns of scarce shifts are more likely to provide brief and concise reports. This finding implies that one of the reasons behind explicitating behaviour of interpreters may be their individual tendency to opt for a more extensive surface form of linguistic expression.

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