
Summary. The article analyzes the essence of the reception of Ukrainian postmodernism at the turn of the 20 th and 21 st centuries. It states that postmodernism is an extremely complex and multidimensional phenomenon of modern culture, which to this day provokes scientific discussions among literary critics, philosophers, sociologists, cultural scientists, art critics, political scientists etc. Among the studies of domestic literary critics devoted to the problems of Ukrainian literary postmodernism are the works of T. Gundorova, N. Zborovskaya, R. Kharchuk, I. Starovojt, V. Ayevoy, D. Zatonsky, S. Andrusov, I. Fizer and others. Discussions about postmodernism and its representation in Ukrainian culture remain relevant today. The emphasis is on the literary understanding of the reality of the situation of Ukrainian postmodernism. Ukrainian postmodernism is significantly different from the Western model of postmodernism due to a number of factors such as historical circumstances and national characteristics. In modern Ukrainian literary studies, in particular in criticism, there is a fairly stable tendency to speak about the discourse of postmodernism primarily in theoretical terms, and the most important part of this discourse is related to defining the boundaries, substantiating the qualitative characteristics of this phenomenon, introducing pairs of scientific features into scientific phenomena, etc. It is noted that Ukrainian postmodernism was born in politically difficult unstable conditions, and developed at a time when culture and society came to a normal state, namely during the period of gaining independence of Ukraine. The author emphasizes that modern Ukrainian culture can only be on the verge of traditional and innovative development, trends and the true cultural meaning of the present should be seen in the dialogue of cultures. Examining the specificity of the reception of Ukrainian postmodernism at the turn of the millennium, we conclude that in postmodernism, as well as in its affiliation with certain national cultures, there are still many points and aspects that need separate consideration and analysis. The topic of postmodernism remains relevant to research and has prospects for further work on it.

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