
A single field emerged at the origin of the universe, already containing within itself the blueprint of the physical universe. The primordial single field triggered the onset of the universe. Most physicists believe that a single super-force dominated the first instants of creation. Scientists have arrived at a simple but decisive conclusion that consciousness is very much a part of the universe, like other objects. Our consciousness model involving thought-carrying particle (TCP), thought retaining particle (TRP) and thought force (TF) signifies the existence of universal consciousness that exists along with the universe. This universal consciousness is a functional state of the universal mind (UM). This UM is evolved at the Big Bang from void. The UM is constituted by these TCP and TRP in the inherent presence of thought force (TF). Thought force (TF) is an expression of universal consciousness. The Thought force (TF) being the primordial quantum field functions as the original super-force. TF being the original super-force functions as the origin of all the fundamental fields. TCP is the carrier of thought force (TF) that, in turn, appears to be the origin of all the fields. The quantized energy (εT) of TCP is responsible to cause the universal consciousness as well as the cosmic microwave background radiation temperature. The individual consciousness owes its origin to the universal consciousness created by the sameεT. The sameεT is the energy responsible for generating thought force (TF). TF being an expression of the universal consciousness is applicable to any inanimate object as well as to any biological system (having thinking ability). The TF exerts its functions both in vitro and in vivo.We showed the existence of thought force in microcosm [TF (micro)] and thought force in macrocosm [TF (macro)]. This TF (micro) is theoretically found to be stronger than the strong nuclear force. TF (macro) is theoretically found to be weaker even than the gravitational force. These TCP, TRP, TF (micro), TF (macro), and the thought force (TF) in vitro and thought force (TF) in vivo play significant roles in understanding Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) and Psychokinesis (PK).

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