
The author emphasizes the urgency of the appeal to С. Gluck's opera "Iphigénie en Tauride" as a work of sublime-majestic, tragic-dramatic character with strong passions, emotional struggle and inner experiences of the heroes. The approach proposed by the author serves as an alternative to the trends of modern theater, in which is rapidly spreading a mass culture of entertainment, show business, ideology consumption and pleasure. The process of the embodiment "Iphigénie en Tauride" in the Komische Oper Berlin with the participation of director V. Felzenstein, conductor K. Mazur and Ukrainian singer Ye. Kolesnyk, the author of the study, is covered. The source and analytical bases of the research are investigated and systematized in the context to identify some key aspects of Gluck's opera reform, their influence on the musical drama "Iphigénie en Tauride" and the peculiarities of the stage embodiment of the work by international ensemble. The aim of the study is to determine the concept of creating an artistically holistic image of the character on the example of interpreting the inner features of the main character of Gluck's opera "Iphigénie en Tauride" with the participation of domestic singers in international art projects. The methodology of scientific exploration of the main content of Gluck's opera reform concerns various points of study: the specifics of the musical dramaturgy of the work, the director's and conductor's concept of collaboration with the singer at the Komische Oper Berlin and the National Opera of Ukraine. The author involves the following methods: experimental modeling, interpretive, comparative. It was proved that the process of radical renewal of the opera was initiated by Gluck in "Orpheus and Eurydice", continued in "Alceste", acquired visible outlines in "Iphigenia in Aulis" and completed in ""Iphigénie en Tauride". Musical drama "Iphigenia in Tauris" absorbed all the achievements of the composer on the path of a radical rethinking of the ways of embodying operas. The general principles of the artistic approach to acting with the priority of realistic-psychological vector of development in the musical theater of both countries were revealed. The competitiveness of domestic artists in the world market of theatrical services is proved on the basis of the performance by the Ukrainian singer abroad during six years of the part of Iphigenia in the original language. The prospects of further scientific research of adaptation of domestic singers to the conditions of creation of international art projects against the background of world integration of modern musical theater are determined.

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