
The magnetostatic properties of the rare earth chromites, RCrO3, and those of the rare earth manganites, RMnO3, have been studied between 1.6° and 1500°K, in fields up to 28 000 Oe. These compounds are antiferromagnetic; they present two Néel points. For the rare earth chromites, the first Néel point varies between 112°K for LuCrO3 and 282°K for LaCrO3; it corresponds to the ordering of the spins of the Cr3+ ions; below this transition temperature, a ferromagnetism is superimposed upon the antiferromagnetism. The second Néel point is situated in the neighborhood of the temperature of liquid helium; it corresponds to the ordering of the moments of the rare earth ions. These properties are interpreted in terms of a molecular-field model. The lattice of the Cr3+ ions and that of the R3+ ions are decomposed into two identical sublattices. The Cr-Cr exchange interaction is negative; it is dominant; it defines principally the first Néel point. The R-R interaction is negative and weaker; it defines the second Néel point. The R-Cr interaction can be positive or negative, and its magnitude is small. The configuration of the moments of the chromium ions can be weakly ferromagnetic; this would induce a ferromagnetic polarization of the rare earth ion, and can give rise to a compensation temperature. With the perovskite rare earth manganites, the first Néel point is between 45°K for EuMnO3 and approximatively 131°K for LaMnO3; a ferromagnetism is superimposed upon the antiferromagnetism. These substances behave like the rare earth chromites. With the hexagonal rare earth manganites, the first Néel point is characterized only by a change in the slope of the susceptibility curve; there is no superimposed ferromagnetism. Near 10°K, it appears a ferromagnetic term which can be induced by the ordering of the spins of the rare earth ions. The rare earth-manganese interaction is determined in the molecular-field approximation. The interpretation of the magnetic properties of the rare earth chromites has been published in the “Compt. Rend, 262, 799, 866 (1966); a full report on the interpretation of the magnetic properties of the rare earth maganites will be published in “J. Phys.”.

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