
A power-like decay function, characterized by the mean excited-state lifetime and relative variance of lifetime fluctuation around the mean value, was applied in analysis of fluorescence decays measured with the aid of time-correlated single photon counting. We have examined the fluorescence decay, in neutral aqueous medium, of tyrosine ( l-tyrosine and N-acetyl- l-tyrosinamide), and of the tyrosine residues in a tryptophan-free protein, the enzyme purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Escherichia coli in a complex with formycin A (an inhibitor), and orthophosphate (a co-substrate). Tryptophan fluorescence decay was examined in neutral aqueous medium for l-tryptophan, N-acetyl- l-tryptophanamide, and for two tryptophan residues in horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase. To detect solvent effect, fluorescence decay of Nz-acetyl- l-tryptophanamide in aqueous medium was compared with that in dioxan. Hitherto, complex fluorescence decays have usually been analyzed with the aid of a multiexponential model, but interpretation of the individual exponential terms (i.e., pre-exponential amplitudes and fluorescence lifetimes), has not been adequately characterized. In such cases the intensity decays were also analyzed in terms of the lifetime distribution as a consequence of an interaction of fluorophore with environment. We show that the power-like decay function, which can be directly obtained from the gamma distribution of fluorescence lifetimes, is simpler and provides good fits to highly complex fluorescence decays as well as to a purely single-exponential decay. Possible interpretation of the power-like model is discussed.

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