
Because of different limitations, e. g. time, instrumental or economic limitations, only single-method geophysical investigations are carried out in many cases. However, a single method is often limited by the capability of the utilized physical principles to display certain archaeological patterns. Therefore, an integrated geophysical investigation technique should be applied to overcome this problem. At Kale peninsula (Jutland, DK) an integrated geophysical prospecting was carried out to detect different subsurface targets related to the old medieval castle and its surroundings. To locate houses and the position of different defense structures, four different areas were investigated using geomagnetic prospecting, ground penetrating radar (GPR), geoelectrical profiling and surveying. By means of combined geomagnetic and GPR measurements the situation at the first entrance to the peninsula was investigated. To correct the GPR data for topographic effects, the topographic map was refined by dense surveying. Because geoeletrical profiling has generally a lower resolution than the other two methods, it was applied as a first prospecting method to find the continuation of the ancient road outside the forecourt. Afterwards, anomaly regions found by this method were studied in detail using GPR and geomagnetic prospecting. The data revealed the distribution of old farm houses in the forecourt and the position of the ancient road leading from the entrance of the forecourt up to the castle. A 3Dimage of the urban plan of the area under study is finally presented. Fig. 1. Joint interpretation of total magnetic field data (a) and GPR data (b) on a profile crossing the remains of an ancient building. From the GPR time section a depth to the top of the remaining foundation of about 50 cm was estimated. Depth estimates of 45-50 cm, obtained by means of inverse modelling and from logarithmic power spectra of geomagnetic data, were in good coincidence with the former results

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