
It is universally known by sociologists that the formation and existence of a civilization is dependent on the adherence to a set of established and accepted norms and guidelines which guide not only human conduct but also human interaction. With the evolution of time a written constitution became necessary with all the laws around which the state is to be guided around penned down in a definite manner by the constituent assembly years back. But with the evolution of time the constitution also needs to be changed according to the new aspiration and goals of the society. Therefore, the power to amend the Constitution of India is vested in Parliament to amend, alter, add or change any part of the Constitution to help it keep pace with the pace of a changing society. Though this power of amending the Constitution is entrusted with the Parliament which consists of the representatives of the people it transgresses it power and alters parts of the constitution which would deface the true identity of the Constitution. In order to prevent this misuse of power the Judiciary is entrusted with the power of Judicial Review whereby it has the power to adjudicate upon the constitutional validity of all laws which are to be enforced on the Union. If in any case the Parliament violates any provision of the Constitution, it can be deemed to be ultra vires and therefore invalid. Though this power was being misused by the Parliament in a great deal in later part of the 20th century, which the Supreme Court tried to put a brake on this legislative and executive overreach by evolving the Basic Structure Doctrine in the case of Keshavananda Bharti in 1973. Which empowered to the Parliament to amend any part of the Constitution under article 368, except those features which form a part of this doctrine. This paper seeks to delve deeper into this silent Doctrine and how it was formed by the judiciary by way of its judicial journey to its formation, followed by what it is and what constitutes as a part of this doctrine from interpretating various case laws as there is no exhaustive list codifying the essential features of this Doctrine. Further defining the test which would help in defining the principles of this Doctrine followed by its application in the various cases post its evolution. Lastly analysing how this doctrine is to be interpreted

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