
Classical trajectories have been used to compute rates for the unimolecular reaction H2CN-->H+HCN on a fitted ab initio potential energy surface (PES). The ab initio energies were obtained from CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pvtz electronic structure calculations. The ab initio energies were fitted by the interpolating moving least-squares (IMLS) method. This work continues the development of the IMLS method for producing ab initio PESs for use in molecular dynamics simulations of many-atom systems. A dual-level scheme was used in which the preliminary selection of data points was done using a low-level theory and the points used for fitting the final PES were obtained at the desired higher level of theory. Classical trajectories were used on various low-level IMLS fits to tune the fit to the unimolecular reaction under study. Procedures for efficiently picking data points, selecting basis functions, and defining cutoff limits to exclude distant points were investigated. The accuracy of the fitted PES was assessed by comparing interpolated values of quantities to the corresponding ab initio values. With as little as 330 ab initio points classical trajectory rate constants were converged to 5%-10% and the rms error over the six-dimensional region sampled by the trajectories was a few tenths of a kcal/mol.

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