
We investigate the divergences appearing in the two-particle irreducible vertex functions of many-fermion systems with attractive on-site interactions. By means of dynamical mean-field theory calculations, we determine the location of singularity lines in the phase diagram of the attractive Hubbard model at half-filling, where the local Bethe-Salpeter equations are non invertible. We find that divergences appear both in the magnetic and in the density scattering channels. The former affect a sector of suppressed fluctuations and comply with the mapping of the physical susceptibilities of the repulsive case. At the same time, the appearance of singularities in the density channel of the attractive model demonstrates that vertex divergences can also plague the dominant scattering sectors associated with enhanced local susceptibilities. This constitutes a counterexample to previously proposed interpretations. Eventually, by exploiting the underlying physical symmetries and a spectral representation of the susceptibilities, we clarify the relation between vertex divergences and the local response of the system in different channels.

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