
For the time periods 1979 April 22–May 17 and 1980 May 9–June 10, when the HELIOS spacecraft were located inside 0.5 AU, we compared the antenna temperature TA of the 466 kHz type III bursts measured by the SBH instrument on ISEE 3 with the fluxes of ∼ 0.5 MeV electrons measured by HELIOS. For 51 flare-associated kilometric type III bursts (FAIII bursts) with log(TA) > 10 we find: (1) 25 bursts (49%) are accompanied by a relativistic electron event in interplanetary space, (2) the probability for detection of an electron event decreases from more than 74% inside a cone of ± 20 ° to 56% inside a cone of ± 60° around the flare site, (3) there is only a small correlation between the brightness temperature of the radio burst and the size of the electron event, and (4) despite the broad scatter of these values there is a clear indication that for a given size of the relativistic electron event the intensity of the type III burst is about a factor of 5 higher if it is accompanied by a type II burst. These results give evidence (a) that at least part of the relativistic electrons frequently is accelerated together with non-relativistic electrons and (b) that the coronal shock associated with the metric type II burst has a weaker effect on relativistic than on non-relativistic electrons.

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