
As an important dimension of interpersonal function in SFL, appraisal has attracted a lot of attentions from the linguists home and abroad. This thesis is an attempt to analyze the interpersonal functions of EFL teachers’ evaluative discourse with in the framework of Palladian Systemic-functional Grammar (SFG) and Martin’s Appraisal theory. The aim for the study is to construe an analytical model for the interpersonal functions of teachers’ evaluative discourse by analyzing the patterns of evaluative discourse and evaluative strategies.


  • As an important dimension of interpersonal function in Systemic-functional linguistics (SFL), appraisal has attracted a lot of attentions from the linguists home and abroad

  • Unlike structural approaches that privilege syntax, SEL-oriented linguists begin an analysis with social context and look at how language acts upon, and is constrained and influenced by this social context

  • Register is characterized with three main dimensions of variation: what is being talked about(field); the people involved in the communication and the relationship between them(tenor); and how the language is functioning in interaction, e.g. whether it is written or spoken(mode).In this chapter we will mainly discuss the context of situation or register and make an analysis of teachers’ evaluative discourse in terms of Field, Tenor and Mode which “collectively constitute the register the register of a text” (Halliday&Hasan,1985:11)

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Field of the teachers’ evaluative discourse

Field is concerned with what is happening in the discourse, what is the nature of the social interaction taking place, what is it that the participants are engaged in, and in which language figures as an essential component. Central to it is the communicative purpose of the discourse, a decisive factor to identify a genre or discourse as it is (Swales, 1990; Bhatia, 1993; Martin&Rose, 2003).In the classroom situation, the purpose of the teachers’ use of evaluative discourse is to interact with students and encourage students’ better and greater involvements to fulfill their teaching aims and build up a good relationship with students. Different evaluative discourse and strategies can result in different relations, it’s necessary for the teachers to pay attention to the evaluative discourse they use in the classes

Tenor of the teachers’ evaluative discourse
Power relation between teacher and students
Solidarity relation between teacher and students
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