
Conflict cannot be avoided in a relationship. In the context of any relationship, there are bound to be differences in views or opinions between partners. This research examines how interpersonal conflict resolution styles of teenage couples pregnant out of marriage: a case study in Purwodadi, Indonesia in realizing family harmonization. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews with informants, namely the first pair MF and SV and the second pair FP and RL. The data analysis technique in this research uses the Miles and Huberman model of interactive analysis, starting with data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Based on the research results, it was found that there are different conflict resolution styles between the two partners related to the source and form of conflict. The case of the first informant couple shows that they have a major source of conflict, namely infidelity by the man. The form of conflict is ego conflict accompanied by verbal and non-verbal violence towards the partner. This happens because of the different personalities of each party and their lack of readiness to live a married life. In resolving conflicts, the first partner uses an avoidance style. The second pair of informants indicated that they had major sources of conflict, namely economic conditions, lack of trust, and lack of attention to their partner. This is because their age is not yet mature enough, so the form of conflict that occurs is also in the form of ego conflict. In resolving the conflict that occurs, the second partner uses a compromise style, namely discussing household problems with their partner. The form of conflict resolution chosen by both partners cannot be separated from the personality of each partner, namely MF with a nerveuzen personality and FP with a choleric personality. On the other hand, immature age and the presence of a large family also determine the style of resolving conflicts. In the end, the informant’s couple with an avoidance style divorced.

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