
Interpersonal communication and communication processes have evolved as a result of the widespread use of digital communication technology. In these situations, people display how they present themselves and engage with others by employing a variety of impression management techniques. Interpersonal communication, which is defined as the capacity to convey one's feelings and ideas to individuals or groups of people, is one of the core communication skills. Impression management refers to the deliberate control of behavior to shape the views of others. Concerned with how people are regarded by others or would like to be perceived by others, impression management tactics fall under this category. This study examines how user comments and Instagram shares for Tiktok Turkey relate to techniques for handling public perception and interpersonal communication. It is advantageous to use Jones and Pittman's impression management taxonomy. Tiktok Turkey’s Instagram account served as the study's sample. The main purpose of this study is to analyse the interpersonal communication tools and impression management tactics that Tiktok uses when sharing Instagram pages with interpersonal communication skills and components in the context of Jones and Pittman's Impression Management Classifications and content analysis techniques. Emojis, hashtags, videos, photographs, text sharing, user comments, expert opinions, and tagging were among the interpersonal communication tools that were discovered when the share-outs of the Tiktok Instagram account were taken into account. Considering the share-outs; it turns out that Intimidation and Supplication are not used as impression management tactics, however, Self-promotion, Ingratiation, and Exemplification are commonly used as impression management tactics. Self-promotion has proven to be the most commonly used impression management tactic. This research is expected to contribute to the topics of interpersonal communication, impression management, digital impression management, and new communication technologies in the digital environment.

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