
Giant cell arteritis (GCA) frequently appears as cranial arteritis (eg. temporal arteritis) with headache, pain on chewing and visual disturbances. In addition, extracranial manifestations are often observed leading to aneurysmatic dilatations and dissections of the aorta as well as stenoses of large thoracic, abdominal or limb arteries. The vascular signs are accompanied by general disease symptoms, e.g. malaise, elevated temperatures, weight loss and depression. Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is the most frequent rheumatic manifestation of GCA but also occurs independently from GCA. The structural correlate for the PMR symptoms is first and foremost extra-articular inflammation (tenosynovitis, bursitis) of large joints and the vertebral column (interspinal bursitis). In addition, vasculitis of large arteries in PMR must be considered particularly in the presence of high inflammatory activity. While specific laboratory markers for GCA and PMR are lacking elevated values for the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein are present in almost all patients at disease onset. Besides the clinical evaluation, the serological acute phase reaction represents the main parameter for the course during therapy of this relatively frequent disease in elderly people.

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