
Background: Medical students are more susceptible to stress associated with long working hours, arduous studies, and living alone away from the home, which may affect their psychological well-being. They may indulge in the use of internet and pornography to ameliorate their stress. Internet is one of the main sources of pornographic content as it is easily available, affordable, and accessible. Objective: The current study seeks to quantitatively estimate the extent of internet addiction and pornography use among medical students in India, and its effect on their general well-being. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study in a medical college in North India involving undergraduate (including interns) and postgraduate medical students. Those using internet for porn use were assessed using a semi-structured sociodemographic questionnaire, General Health Questionnaire 30, WHO Quality of Life Index (WHOQOL)-BREF, and Internet Addiction Test (IAT). Results: A total of 393 medical students who agreed on their pornography internet usage were recruited for the study. Problematic pornography internet usage (moderate and 0severe IAT scores) was seen in 11% (80) of the participants. Male and married students were more likely to be problematic users. The mean duration of pornography use was 8.02±6.32 h/week. The time spent on pornography use positively correlated with IAT and General Health Questionnaire scores, whereas it negatively correlated with WHOQOL-BREF scores. Conclusions: Internet pornography use is significantly prevalent amongst medical students in India. As the duration of pornography use increases, general health measures and quality of life decrease, which may impact their well-being and academic performance.

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