
Remote sensor network is a multijump self-coordinating organization framework shaped by countless energy-restricted miniature sensor hubs sent in the observing region. Be that as it may, the correspondence conventions of customary organization configuration cannot be straightforwardly applied to remote sensor organizations. The improvement of committed correspondence conventions and estimation techniques has turned into a pressing exploration subject in the field of remote sensor organizations. The research purpose of this paper is to research the Internet of Things network topology discovery algorithm based on wireless sensors. This paper analyzes and mines an adaptive neighbor discovery scheduling algorithm with lower latency, acquires the information of potential neighbor nodes based on existing neighbor nodes, discovers potential neighbor nodes by proactively waking up, and studies the information recommendation mechanism between neighbor nodes and compares. The intimacy between neighbor nodes (such as common neighbor rate) is used to selectively receive recommended information from neighbor nodes, thereby filtering redundant data information, lessening hub energy utilization, and accomplishing the motivation behind broadening the organization life cycle. A geography disclosure calculation in light of versatile specialists is proposed to tackle the geography revelation issue under the various leveled geography structure in remote sensor organizations. The calculation joins the qualities of portable specialist innovation and various leveled Internet of Things network geography and simultaneously further develops the relocation methodology of versatile specialists for information assortment, intermittent undertaking assignment, and organization status observing. Research shows that in the investigation of the effect of hub obligation cycle on framework execution, the energy utilization of the DDC-Group calculation is marginally expanded contrasted and the gathering calculation, and the increase is not more than 1%, but compared to the CNR-Group increase more.

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