
The new era of computing technology is what many are calling the Internet of Things (IoT). The first Coca Cola vending machine was an Internet-connected appliance. The IoT focuses on 5 As (anytime, anywhere, anyone, anyhow, anything) and 3 Is (interconnect, intelligent, interaction). Machine to machine, machine to infrastructure, machine to environment, the Internet of Everything, the Internet of Intelligent Things or Devices, intelligent systems—call it whatever you want, but it’s happening, and its potential is huge. The IoT is seen as billions of smart, connected “intelligent things” (a sort of “universal global neural network” in the cloud) that encompass every aspect of human life, and its foundation is the intelligence that embedded processing provides. The IoT consists of smart machines interacting and communicating with other machines, objects, environments, and infrastructures. As a result, huge volumes of data are being generated, and that data is being processed into useful actions that can “command and control” things to make human lives much easier and safer – and to reduce human impact on the environment. The creativity of this new era is boundless, with amazing potential to improve human lives. The chapter is an extensive reference to the different use cases that have actually worked with multiple variations, utility, and applications, as well as the evolution of the IoT. The chapter will provide multiple case studies, like solar tracker, robot track follower, soil moisture-level detection, control based on temperature, and the most important parameter, “cloud” connected to things for huge data collection and processing on temperature. All these are explained using actual hardware, sensors, devices, etc., used to implement the use cases.

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