
In our fast-paced society, due to the interconnection of millions of devices on the Internet, a great amount of complex data is shared, received, and managed by facilitating communication among users and devices globally. As a result, users from different educational backgrounds and professions are exposed to cyber threats and risks. Current megatrends such as Industry 4.0, Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing, Metaverse, and 6G technology introduce a new era of user experience through strong connectivity, and costless service with high adaptability, however, it raises major data privacy and security concerns. These trends can ameliorate people’s lives; however, they are characterized as “attractive vulnerable targets” for cyber-attacks with high intent to harm and disrupt people’s daily lives. This paper focuses on two main pillars: the privacy and security fundamental challenges of the synergy between the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Cloud which creates the Internet of Cloud (IoC) and the need of raising awareness to prevent violation of user’s data on the IoC. The scope of this paper is to indicate the importance of privacy and security concerns on IoC and to explain why privacy awareness training should be a priority.

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