
This article considers the essence and possibilities of using Internet marketing activities for companies in the tourism industry, emphasizes their positive importance, which provides statistics on the volume of the advertising market and Internet advertising, as well as data on the economic effect of using the Internet in a particular domestic travel agency – marketing activities, such as: contextual and banner advertising, search engine optimization, SMM-promotion. It is established that now the Internet has become an integral part of our lives, while the Internet-technology has changed not only the daily life of society, but also called into question the existence of large enterprises and small and medium enterprises. Reasonably, that practically the cardinal changes caused by these changes happened in all industries. A competition became harder, and those companies was able to adapt oneself in new terms got new quality changes, and those that was not able to adapt oneself bore severe losses. Internet marketing is one of the main tools of non-price competition, which is increasingly displacing price competition based on the method of reducing prices. That is why the implementation of Internet marketing tools needs further research. For the implementation of Internet marketing activities it is necessary to determine the target audience, make a portrait of the client, set clear goals and the next step is to choose the channels to attract customers. Internet marketing is suitable for any type of business, it is more profitable than visual advertising has been proven. Internet marketing is developing very quickly, and only those entrepreneurs who can quickly adapt to the new conditions of business start-up will be able to win has been noted.

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