
The use of information and communication technologies in educational activities has expanded the possibilities of linguodidactic services, including the process of learning the Latin language. Digital educational resources have changed the quality of life in the context of globalization by providing new opportunities for access to digital resources of world libraries, active use of the linguodidactic potential of teaching Latin from leading educational institutions and practitioners. This actualizes the presented study, the problem of which is to reveal the educational potential of the Internet environment as a driver for learning the Latin language.The purpose of the research is to substantiate the possibility of using Internet resources as a means of Linguodidactics in the study of the Latin language. To achieve the stated goal a set of research methods has been used: analysis of scientific research on the problem under study, generalization of information sources on the Internet, systematization, classification, methods of visual presentation.The results and key conclusions are as follows: a range of educational Internet resources that can be used to learn the Latin language have been reviewed; the didactic potential of Internet resources in Latin analyzed; the advantages of computer linguodidactics for learning the Latin language described.The results of the research expand the understanding of linguodidactic services on the Internet using the example of the Latin language, which in general expands the theory and teaching methods. The proposed classification of educational Internet resources can be used by teachers in teaching the Latin language.

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