
Introduction:The adverse aesthetic effects of post-surgical scars frequently impose a psychological burden on patients. We conducted an Internet-based questionnaire survey of Japanese individuals to explore patient satisfaction with respect to surgical scars and to identify the factors that affect their interest and experience of scar care.Method:A cross-sectional study was conducted for the previous year on patients who had undergone the following surgeries: gastrointestinal; orthopaedic; obstetric; gynaecological; and plastic. The questionnaire included: (1) measures of participant characteristics; (2) measures of interest, experience and satisfaction with scar care; (3) measures of current and desired scar condition; and (4) measures of communication with physicians or nurses.Results:A total of 214 participants were enrolled. Of these, only 90 individuals had experienced any treatment or self-care, and only 30 were satisfied with their experience. We found a significant gap between the current and desired thickness and colour of the scar (P < 0.01). On logistic regression analysis, scars located at a visible site and size of the scar were significant factors that affected the interest and experience of scar care. Only 40% of participants answered that their physician or nurse adequately understands their concerns pertaining to the scar condition.Conclusion:Only a small proportion of individuals were satisfied with their experience of scar care. Additional research in following areas is required: (1) mutual communication between patients and medical providers; and (2) development of a new care programme for the management of scars.

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