
Man has taken advantage of technological development positively in developing and facilitating his daily life. The environment has also benefited greatly from this development through various devices and discoveries in various fields such as renewable energies and nuclear energy, in which man has made remarkable progress and used it for peaceful purposes such as generating electrical energy or using X-rays in Medicine or for exploration purposes such as space invasion, satellite launching, or military purposes. On the other hand, man took advantage of this rapid development in other negative uses by harming himself and his environment.The competition for armaments led to the deterioration of the ecosystem through pollution caused by industrial sources deliberately through experiments and the manufacture of nuclear weapons, or by mistake such as accidents in nuclear installations due to lack of Take precautions. The effects of environmental pollution by nuclear radiation whether in peacetime or wartime, and its disastrous consequences on both humans and the environment in the short and long term prompted the international community to search for mechanisms to reduce the negative uses of nuclear energy, so it concluded agreements, held conferences and established bodies in order to spare the world another environmental disaster that future generationspay for. Through our intervention, we will try to research these mechanisms and their effectiveness in combating environmental crime resulting from pollution of the environment by nuclear rays, especially with the amazing and accelerating development in the field of nuclear energy, the race towards arms, and the dangers that this energy in particular poses compared to others. In order to address the issue, we decided to adopt a bilateral plan. In the first axis of the study, we deal with the most important dangers that nuclear radiation creates on the natural environment. In the second axis, we deal with the most important international mechanisms that exist to confront environmental crime committed due to the remnants of nuclear radiation. We examine the effectiveness of these mechanisms with a focus on the most important agreements concluded in this regard and even the conferences and establishmentsthat have been held and established by bodies with allocating a partof this study to the role of the ordinary and criminal international judiciary to combat environmental crimes caused by nuclear radiation. We end the intervention with a set of suggestions that we consider necessary to support the existing efforts to preserve the environment and protect it from these risks.

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