
The macro-environment of “post-financial crisis and twelfth five-year planning period” greatly influences Jiaxing enterprises’ formulation and implementation of their internationalization and “go-global” strategies. The paper tries to explore Jiaxing enterprises’ development path and trend of internationalization from their “go-global” motives, modes, entry location, existed problems and solution aspects. The paper also selects a bundle of Jiaxing enterprises which have successfully implemented “go global” strategy as case studies for deep analysis. The paper argues that some Jiaxing enterprises follow western traditional FDI theories in their internationalization process while others managed to flexibly utilize new trends of globalization and interconnected world economy, accelerate their internationalization process, which can not be fully explained by traditional FDI theories. Meanwhile, the journey of Jiaxing enterprises’ internationalization filled with various challenges, the paper also discusses those challenges and problems existed and some targeted solution approaches have also been provided.

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