
Integrated optics - OEICs or PICs?, H.Kogelnik quantum opto-electronics for optical processing, D.A.B.Miller optics in telecommunications - beyond transmission, P.W.E.Smith microoptics, K.Iga holographic optical elements for use with semiconductor lasers, H.P.Herzig and R.Dadliker fiber optic signal processing, B.Culshaw and I.Adonovic optical memories, Y.Tsunado what are photorefractives good for?, H.Rajbenbach and J.-P.Huignard adaptive interferometry - a new area of applications of photorefractive crystals, S.I.Stepanov water wave optics, J.J.Stamnes about the philosophies of diffraction, A.W.Lohmann the essential journals of optics, J.N.Howard optics in China - ancient and modern accomplishments, Z.-M.Zhang unusual optics - optical interconnects as learned from the eyes of (nocturnal insects), crayfish, shellfish and similar creatures, P.Greguss the opposition effect in volume and surface scattering, K.C.Dainty influence of source-correlations on spectra of radiated fields, E.Wolf quantum statistics and coherence of nonlinear optical processes, J.Perina one photon light-pulses versus attenuated classical light-pulses, A.Aspect and P.Grangier optical propagation through the atmosphere, A.Consortini are the fundamental principles of holography sufficient for the creation of new types of 3D cinematography and artificial intelligence?. Y.N.Denisyuk medical applications of holographic 3D display, J.Tsujiuchi Moire fringes and their applicatons, O.Bryngdahl breaking the boundaries of optical system design and construction , C.H.F.Velzel interferometry - what's new since Michelson?, P.Hariharan curreent trends in optical testing, D.Malacara adaptive optics, F.Merkel triple correlations and dispectra in high-resolution astonomical imaging. H.Weigelt phase retrieval imaging problems, J.R.Fienup blind deconvolution - recovering the seemingly irrecoverable!, R.H.T.Bates and H.Jiang pattern recognition, similarity, neural nets, and optics, H.H.Arsenault and Y.Sheng towards nonlinear optical processing, T.Szoplik and K.Chalasinska-Macukow new apects of optics for optical computing, V.Morozov digital optical computing, S.D. Smith computing - a joint venture for light and electricity?, P.Chavel.

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