
Survival of the ten non-domestic felid species endemic to Latin America is imperiled by habitat loss, poaching and poor captive management. Over the past 10 years, conservation of these felids has been the primary focus of a reproductive research and training program conducted in Brazil, Mexico, and the USA. The objectives of this program were to: (1) provide intensive training in reproductive sciences to Latin American scientists, (2) conduct collaborative studies investigating basic and applied reproduction in endangered felids, and (3) establish a highly-trained scientific cohort to conduct independent conservation-based research. Four formal training courses, consisting of didactic lectures and hands-on instruction in research techniques, including semen collection, sperm cryopreservation and laparoscopic artificial insemination (AI), were taught in Brazil and Mexico between 1995 and 1998. Several of these scientists received further training in conducting fecal hormone analysis in the USA, and a number of research studies, many in collaboration with American scientists, were initiated in Latin American felids. Research findings have characterized basal reproductive traits in several felid species, including ocelots, margay, tigrinas and jaguars, and established that Latin American felids exhibit only minimal seasonal variation in most reproductive traits. Other studies have explored the impact of acute and chronic stressors on adrenocortical activity and demonstrated the importance of environmental enrichment in captivity, especially in small felids. Additional research has examined ovarian and immunological responsiveness of Latin American felids to exogenous gonadotropins and assessed the impact of nutrition on sperm production and oocyte quality. Applied reproductive studies have investigated sperm cryopreservation in both captive and wild felid populations and demonstrated the production of viable offspring in ocelots and tigrinas following laparoscopic AI. Ongoing studies are investigating the potential of in vitro fertilization (IVF), embryo cryopreservation and embryo transfer for genetic management of ocelots and tigrinas. To date, over 75 Brazilian ocelot and 50 tigrina IVF embryos have been cryopreserved and two pregnancies have been established in ocelots following transfer of frozen-thawed embryos. Findings from these studies are helping to improve husbandry, population management, and breeding of Latin American felids in captivity. Continued advances in assisted reproduction eventually may provide an alternative route for exchanging genetic material among Latin American felid populations. Most importantly, this collaborative program has been essential for building scientific capacity, within Brazil and Mexico, in establishing a core group of highly-trained reproductive biologists that will continue applying their new knowledge and skills to the conservation of Latin American felids.

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