
Carlos F. Diaz-Alejandro: An Appreciation (C. Kindleberger). International Trade and Balance of Payments. Trade Patterns in Developing Countries, 1964-82 (F.D. McCarthy, L. Taylor, C. Talati). The Narrow Moving Band, The Dutch Disease, and The Competitive Consequences of Mrs. Thatcher: Notes on Trade in the Presence of Dynamic Scale Economies (P. Krugman). Credit Markets and Patterns of International Trade (K. Kletzer, P. Bardhan). Collapsing Exchange Rate Regimes (R. Dornbusch). Balance of Payments: A Disequilibrium Analysis for Semi-Industrialized Economies (P. Arida, E. Bacha). Currency Inconvertibility, Trade Taxes and Smuggling (J. de Macedo). Foreign Investment. Quid Pro Quo Foreign Investment and Welfare (J. Bhagwati et al.). Racial Discrimination, Dualistic Labor Markets and Foreign Investment (R. Findlay, M. Lundahl). Labor Market Distortions, The Structure of Protection and Direct Foreign Investment (E. Buffie). The Debt Crisis. Origins of the Developing Countries' Debt Crises: 1970-1982 (A. Krueger). Latin American Debt and Adjustment (G. Ranis). Latin American Development after the Debt Crisis (A. Foxley). Stabilization and Macroeconomic Policies. Deficits, Debt and Destabilization: The Perversity of High Interest Rates (S.A. Morley, A. Fishlow). On the Costs of Temporary Policy (G. Calvo). Financial Crises and Balance of Payments Crises: A Simple Model of the Southern Cone Experience (A. Velasco). The Macroeconomic Effect of Import Controls: A Keynesian Analysis (J.A. Ocampo). Heterodox Theory and Policy: The Plan Austral in Argentina (R. Frenkel). Economic History. Financial Deregulation and Economic Performance: An Attempt to Relate European Financial History to Current LDC Issues (C. Kindleberger). Trends and Cycles in the Peruvian Economy (R. Thorp). Inflation and Monetary Stabilization in Mexico during the Revolution (E. Cardenas, C. Manns). Investments in Schooling in Two Generations in Pre-Revolutionary Nicaragua: The Roles of Family Background and School Supply (J.R. Behrman, B.L. Wolfe).

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