
Contents: Environmental Externalities, Comparative Advantage, and Optimal Policy Choice: Environmental Abundance and Comparative Advantage: Environmental quality and the gains from trade, Horst Siebert Pollution, welfare, and environmental policy in the theory of comparative advantage, RA1/4diger Pethig Regulation, factor awards and international trade, Martin C. McGuire. Optimal Policies, Piecemeal Reform, Strategic responses: Environmental regulation in an open economy, Kerry Krutilla International trade and the environment: policy reform in a polluted small open economy, Brian R. Copeland Strategic environmental policy and international trade, Scott Barrett On ecological dumping, Michael Rauscher. Environmental Regulations and Loss of Competitiveness: Environmental control costs and border adjustments, Charles Pearson The pollution content of American trade, Ingo Walter International competitive displacement from environmental control: the quantitative gains from methodological refinement, John H. Mutti and J. David Richardson Industrial pollution abatement: the impact on the balance of trade, H. David Robinson The effects of domestic environmental policies on patterns of world trade: an empirical test, James A. Tobey. Trade Liberalization, Environmental damage, and Developing Countries: Trade Liberalization, Environment and Welfare: North-South trade and the environment, Brian C. Copeland and M. Scott Taylor The environment as a factor of production: the effects of economic growth and trade liberalization, RamA(3)n Lopez North-South trade and the global environment, Graciela Chichilnisky Open access renewable resources: trade and trade policy in a 2-country model, James A. Brander and M. Scott Taylor Export bans, environmental protection, and unemployment, Judith M. Dean and Shubhashis Gangopadhyay. Freer Trade and Pollution Havens: Competition in regional environmental policies when plant locations are endogenous, James R. Markusen, Edward R. Morey and Nancy Olewiler Trade policy and industrial pollution in Latin America: where are the pollution havens?, Nancy Birdsall and David Wheeler The environment and welfare implications of trade and tax policy, Hiro Lee and David Roland-Holst. Trade and Transboundary Pollution: Non-cooperative Analyses of Transborder Pollution and Trade Policy: International externalities and optimal tax structures, James R. Markusen Cross-border externalities and trade liberalization: the strategic control of pollution, Rodney D. Ludema and Ian Wooton Trade and transboundary pollution, Brian C. Copeland and M. Scott Taylor. Trade Restrictions and Coordination of Environmental Policy: Should a carbon tax be differentiated across sectors?, Michael Hoel The strategy of trade sanctions in international environmental agreements, Scott Barrett. Transborder Pollution Controls, Trade, and Welfare: The impact of selected abatement strategies on transnational pollution, the terms of trade, and factor rewards: a general equilibrium approach, John D. Merrifield Cutting CO2 emissions: the effects of alternative policy approaches, John Whalley and Randall M. Wigle International trade and environmental quality: how important are the linkages?, Carlo Perroni and Randle M. Wigle Reducing coal subsidies and trade barriers: their contribution to greenhouse gas abatement, Kym Anderson and Warwick J. McKibbin Index.

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