
AN international convention on the use of broadcasting in the cause of peace was adopted at a Conference at Geneva on September 23 and signed by representatives of eighteen countries. Soviet Russia signed with some reservations, but Hungary did not sign the convention although the Hungarian delegation had taken part in the proceedings throughout. The Italian delegation, which had also followed the proceedings with close interest, had previously been instructed to withdraw from the conference, and left expressing good wishes for its success. The text of the convention does not differ essentially from that prepared by the International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation at the request of the Assembly of the League of Nations. There are fifteen articles, of which six deal with matters of substance. The purpose of the convention is to ensure that broadcasting is never used in a manner prejudicial to good international understanding. A distinction is made between messages in the nature of a direct appeal to the inhabitants of another country and those designed primarily for national listeners. The former are prohibited in so far as they incite to acts incompatible with the internal peace or security of the territory of another party. States are bound under the convention to prohibit any broadcast likely to prejudice good international understanding by statements the incorrectness of which is, or ought to be, known to those responsible for the broadcast and to ensure that such statements are rectified immediately. Under a special provision, Governments agree, especially in time of crisis, to ensure the accuracy of the information concerning international relations broadcast within their territories. Provision is also made for the exchange of information calculated to promote a better knowledge of civilization and the conditions of life in the countries concerned and also for arbitration and conciliation procedure in the event of a dispute.

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