
IntroductionIn October 2020, a regional workforce action group was established jointly by Health Education England (HEE) and NHS England and Improvement (NHSEI) in the South West to work collaboratively to address the workforce challenges within diagnostic imaging. Fifty-eight internationally recruited radiographers were offered employment in departments across the region, the majority of them taking up their posts in the UK in early 2021. The aim of the study presented here was to evaluate the efficacy of a training resource developed by Plymouth Marjon University, with input from HEE and NHSEI, to support workplace and cultural integration for the new recruits. MethodsThe training package to help newly recruited radiographers from outside the UK integrate into their host departments was developed using flexible learning opportunities centred on reusable digital learning assets. Self-paced e-learning sessions were augmented by group ‘connected’ sessions online. Two surveys were undertaken, exploring the impact of this workforce integration programme for International radiographers joining the NHS. ResultsSurvey results indicate that the integration programme's three-phase strategy has seen an impact on 6 out of 12 self-efficacy measures, raised awareness of challenges, and increased personal awareness of implications for practice. By the end of the programme, delegates were in the top two quintiles for their average well-being score. ConclusionPrincipal recommendations include ensuring digital accessibility for new recruits as part of the on-boarding process, considering the timing of delivery of any online connected support sessions, the provision of long-term pastoral support; and mandating the training requirement for managers and team leaders. Implications for practiceSuccess of international recruitment campaigns can be enhanced through the implementation of an online integration package

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