
This chapter discusses the International Protection of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law in the previous practice of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). In a 2000 study, the President Wildhaber described aff areas where the toldt Court had adjusted its jurisprudence. The previous observation, guarantee of stability and predictability, is paramount to the ECtHR. In a general way, it respects its own law as well as other national and even international jurisdictional organs. Circumstances change and the ECHR, tliving instrumentt must be able to adapt to the realities, which may require adjustments. In general, the Court seems to have acted with prudence and caution in this area. On occasions, however, it has been extreme in cases such as in area Eskelinen and area Mamatkulov. Keywords:Cour europeenne des droits de l'homme; ECHR; ECtHR; Eskelinen; International Humanitarian Law; International Protection of Human Rights; Mamatkulov

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