
The article targets to revision the practice of digital ecosystem use for the renovation and development of global tourism. The outcomes of the revision will support to adjust the policy of Kazakhstan while forming an innovative digitalization program for the republic and define significance spheres. Our findings underscore the increasingly significant role that intermediaries play within the tourism sector. Moreover, the appearance of fresh high-tech entities is paving the way for inventive services, injecting a vibrant energy into the market. Nevertheless, the involvement of local stakeholders, such as populations and civic groups, is important to the Kazakhstan tourism industry; their integration into the experiences offered to tourists is indispensable. These insights offer researchers and industry professionals a framework to explore innovative possibilities and the development of specialized niches. Furthermore, these insights serve as a foundation for additional studies on the shifts within the ecosystem, influenced by technological advancements or external factors. The paper delves into the digitalization trends globally and presents key indices from international rankings to evaluate Kazakhstan’s digital economy and its readiness for a digital makeover. Keywords: digital economy, digitalization, tourism, digital technologies, industry 4.0.

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