
World has experienced the great losses during various disasters in this decade. Therefore, building disaster resilient community has become a main agenda nowdays. Following the Indian Ocean Tsunami on late 2004, the stakeholders raise their commitments to hold up the progress of disaster risk reduction by optimizing various parties’ role in all levels on reducing the disaster risk. Furthermore, development is necessary to be mainstreamed in order to achieve disaster resilience effectively. In the case of Indonesia, the disaster management has been transformed into higher stage – not only by providing the programs in all stages of disaster managementi (pra-disaster, emergency situation, and post-disaster), but also by linking the disaster managemnet program with development program, aftermath of the adaption and adoption process of international framework on disaster risk reduction. Furthermore, the author will analyze the program which has attached both development and disaster management through the pilot program, called Destana (Disaster Resilient Village), and has initiated on 2012. Therefore, in order to evaluate the program conducted by Indonesia government, the author will identify the implementation in the local level.

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