
Objectives: The objectives of this study are to examine the international responsibility of international organizations for their actions and to elucidate the conditions under which such responsibility arises. By analyzing the legal nature of international organizations and exploring relevant cases, this study seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the legal framework governing the accountability of international organizations in the international arena.
 Methods: To achieve the stated objectives, this study employs a conceptual and analytical approach. It involves a comprehensive review and analysis of legal literature, international treaties, judicial decisions, and scholarly articles pertaining to the legal personality and responsibility of international organizations. Additionally, case studies are examined to illustrate the application of legal principles in determining the responsibility of international organizations for their actions.
 Results: The analysis reveals that international organizations are recognized as legal entities capable of independent activity separate from member states. Their actions may give rise to international responsibility if they are illegal and in violation of their international obligations. Such responsibility is attributable to the international organization when its representatives or organs are involved in the actions that result in harm to other subjects of international law. However, there are instances where the responsibility of international organizations is not applicable, similar to impediments affecting states' international responsibilities. Recognizing the legal personality of international organizations enables them to have rights and responsibilities, thereby allowing for accountability for illegal actions committed by their employees or organs.
 Conclusion: In conclusion, this study underscores the importance of recognizing the legal personality of international organizations and elucidates the conditions under which they may be held responsible for their actions. By providing a comprehensive analysis of the legal framework governing the accountability of international organizations, this research contributes to a better understanding of their role in the international legal system. Moving forward, it is essential to ensure effective mechanisms for holding international organizations accountable for their actions, thereby promoting accountability, transparency, and adherence to international law in the conduct of international affairs.

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