
Abstract. The theoretical and methodological principles and practical recommendations regarding the organization of marketing communications in the company’s distribution channels are highlighted and improved. The theoretical and methodological principles of marketing communications in the company’s distribution channels are highlighted. The main directions of international marketing in relation to Euromix sales have been determined: global manufacturers (global partners with long-term contracts); withdrawn brands (brands that have been withdrawn from the Euromix portfolio, but the products have not yet been sold out); FOOD (a new direction of Euromix); NON FOOD (mainly chemicals from small brands); import (sales of chemicals outside of Ukraine). The peculiarities of the marketing activity of Euromix LLC on the B2B market have been analyzed. The analysis of the marketing strategic activity of the enterprise was carried out. The prospects and possibilities of the enterprise’s marketing activities on the market are outlined. Among employees and potential customers, we conducted a survey on satisfaction with the prices of products in the Euromix offi ce according to fi ve criteria – “Too cheap”, “Cheap”, “Satisfactory”, “Expensive” and “Too expensive”. It was found that the vast majority of respondents (73%) agree with the existing marketing pricing policy, and even 5% consider the price to be low. An IFAS analysis of Euromix LLC was conducted in April 2022. A management problem was identifi ed: the fi rm’s equity is unable to cover obligations to partners and the fi rm’s own expenses without the help of external investments, which limits the development of the company’s distribution channels. Marketing problem: improving interaction with partners in distribution channels. After conducting an SEO analysis, it was found that the Euromix site has a fairly large audience reach than the options off ered by modern site updating companies, so there was no need to replace the site. After analyzing the activities of Euromix and surveying partners, recommendations were made to improve the marketing activities of Euromix LLC in the project period. Keywords: pricing, marketing, communications, company, logistics, distribution channels, sustainable development

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