
The adaptive nature of libraries’ activities, their ability to respond adequately to the challenges of time, such as enrichment of the range of services and services, work on anticipation of public inquiry, multi-component demand, make it possible to be prominent among other information institutions and transform their role in the information and communication system. The effective combination of the most topicaldirections of international cooperation of national scientific libraries as an important component of strategic communications opens new opportunities, in particular, in the formation of the system of spiritual and cultural values in the country and the stable image of Ukrainian science in the world information space and the positive positioningof the state in international relations. International cooperation for libraries of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine network envisages the development of these libraries as a tool for internationalcultural exchange and interaction. Among the priority areas of international library cooperation, the most effective is international book-sharing and receiving foreign literature as gifts. The organization of international book exchange, establishment of contacts with related foreign scientific institutions is facilitated by the active publishingactivity of scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Libraries of scientific institutions of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine receive assistance from foreign organizations, cooperate with societies engaged in the search and sale of scientific books. Today, the first place in interlibrary document exchangeis the electronic document delivery service, which is included in the interlibrary loan service as one of its modern forms. Formation of open and equal cooperation of national libraries with libraries of othercountries, which is an integral part of their information and communication activities and carried out on the principles of independence, equality and mutual benefit, in the conditions of digitalization – an important component of strategic communicationsfor the expansion of interstate and intercultural exchange social experience and the promotion of universal values, the development of world cultures and civilization as a whole.

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