
The article is devoted to the research of the main directions of cooperation between Ukraine and the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX). The main acts of international and national legislation that determine the legal framework and regulate the mechanisms of interaction are analyzed. The article notes the dual role of FRONTEX in cooperation with Ukraine, which involves both direct interaction with the national competent authority in the field of migration and border management, and through the provision of support based on international agreements.
 The author points out four main mechanisms of cooperation between the Agency and the SBGS, namely: 1) operational cooperation through information exchange networks; 2) cooperation within EU initiatives; 3) cooperation within technical assistance projects initiated and financed by the Agency; 4) cooperation on the basis of working The author singles out four main mechanisms of cooperation between the Agency and the DPSU, namely: 1) operational cooperation through information exchange networks; 2) cooperation within EU initiatives; 3) cooperation within technical assistance projects initiated and financed by the Agency; 4) cooperation on the basis of working arrangements. The last of the listed mechanisms is the most effective and includes such areas of cooperation as information exchange, personnel training, interaction in the scientific and research sphere, joint operational activities, etc. At the same time, the article notes that changes in migration processes, expansion of the Agency's mandate, strengthening of cooperation between FRONTEX and Ukraine require improvement of legal regulation. It is proposed to review the Working Arrangement on operational cooperation between FRONTEX and the DPSU and to establish in it a number of important elements that will apply to the rules of information exchange, including confidential; processing and protection of personal data; guarantees of protection of fundamental rights; conditions and procedures for financing activities coordinated by the Agency; dispatch of liaison officers, etc.
 The author emphasizes that the conclusion of an updated version of the Working Arrangement on Operational Cooperation and the signing of the Status Agreement should be important measures that will contribute to the approximation of national legislation and law enforcement practice to European standards in the field of protection and surveillance of borders.

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