
COVID-19, the virus that incubated in Wuhan is now all over the face of the Earth, threatening the existence of mankind as a whole. It is on a rampage, ravishing so-called global superpowers too. Ever since the day the virus was discovered, there has been an air of uncertainty surrounding the same. Various controversial claims and assumptions have been made regarding the source of the virus and the possibility of it being a potential bioweapon. With most of these claims pointing towards the Wuhan Institute of Virology and thereby shifting the blame on China, these will remain as mere claims until proven otherwise! However, one concrete criticism made by the global community is regarding China’s breach of responsibility to the world nations, mandated by various international obligations under the World Health Organization and the United Nations. As the famous saying goes, 'information is wealth'. Timely information during a pandemic is nothing but gold dust. This information sharing is precisely what China has failed to do in accordance with various legislations such as The International Health Regulations,2005. Through its acts of disinformation and misinformation, China seems to have made a mockery of the COVID-19 outbreak. Since Day One, not only has it made a gross violation of various existent International Legislations and Regulations but has gone past the basic humanitarian concerns expected out of a civilized international community. The repercussions of the same are unprecedented both in terms of the death toll and monetary losses. The international arena is seeing a never before outrage from all quarters with the tagline, Beware! The lawyers are coming becoming a worldwide trend. With many nations expressing their displeasure and hinting at the possibility of legal action against China, the legal aspect of the debate comes in. The authors will put forward the timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic and highlight the misdemeanors of China by quoting various incidents that stand in violation of various International legislations such as the International Health Regulations of 2005 and Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts of 2001. Moving forward, the authors would analyze the various different courses of legal options available, from Dispute Resolution Mechanisms to the International Court of Justice. Furthermore, the authors aim to put forward the complications in enforcing legal action against China by citing various international precedents. The defense on part of the Chinse Republic and the chances of the international community forcing China into reparations through non-judicial means will also be examined. At length, the authors, to the best of their abilities, would conclude on the three P’s, the possibility, probability, and the prospects of successful legal action against The People’s Republic of China for its COVID-19 misdemeanors and subsequent international woes.

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