
Among other activities inconsistent with peace and security of humankind, mercenaries are implicated in human trafficking, blood diamonds trade, and other illicit trafficking in natural resources, weapons and narcotics: they have also been implicated in terrorist activities and organized criminal gangs. In view of the grave problems posed by mercenaries to the cause of peace and security in Africa, the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), as it then was, adopted the Convention of the for the Elimination of Mercenarism in Africa [the OAU Anti-Mercenaries Convention]. The Anti-Mercenaries Convention was adopted at the height of the Cold War. The amendment of the Statute of Rome to include mercenary activities within the jurisdiction of the Court must not await the agreement of the State Parties on the definition of the crime of aggression as a general concept within the law of the International Criminal Court. Keywords: International Law; Anti-Mercenaries Convention; Rome statute

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